Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Do I Take too Many Pictures?
I'm sure you'll all be shocked to know I take a lot of pictures of my girls. And I know this because of Kayla. Lately, every time I take the camera out she wants to see the pictures I took. But she wants to see pictures I didn't take too. A couple days ago, I took a couple pics of them playing dress-up. She then comes up and says, "Can I see the picture of Kayla watching Bob the Builder?? She did watch him that day, but I had no pictures. She'll do this with all sorts of random things - she wants to see pictures of Kayla singing or eating or playing on the computer. Her favorite toy right now is Alysa's toy camera. Won't Kayla be thrilled at Christmas when she finds out my parents got her this.
J's surgery went well yesterday. In Kayla's words, he has a "really BIG bandaid". He gets to experience his f/u appointment and some PT for his wrist tomorrow with Alysa tagging along. Lucky him. :)
I'm happy to say that we all have our flu shots. J and I went last Friday afternoon to a clinic and one that took our insurance so it didn't cost us anything. The girls got theirs last night at the Pediatricians - theirs were $30 in copays. Doesn't this seem backwards? Too bad the clinic won't do kids under 9 - the doc's office charges for an office visit I guess to cover the nurse. I don't blame them, but it seems off to pay there and not at the clinic. :)
Alysa has her f/u in 2 weeks from her Upper Endoscopy. She's eating a bit better this week but it's b/c now that I know what the problem is I can work around it. Only offering her really soft foods. So she's eating a lot of eggs, yogurt, toast and pasta. :) I am going this week or Monday to her old doc in Philadelphia to get copies of the films from her Upper GI. I want to have all the info for her doc to make the right dx. With either meds indefinitely or surgery as the options, I want to make sure the right dx is made!
J figured out the trick to keeping Kayla happy about school. She never has a problem when I drop her off. He had been getting here there right at the time the teacher assistance come to get them. Tuesday he got her there a bit later and she was excited to go in with all her friends. Today was the same. She was pointing out kids that she knew. And she's still talking about Freddie the Fish. I'm thinking he's her favorite "new friend". LOL Tonight we have the Parent/Teacher night. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm also hoping to get a minute to discuss Halloween - otherwise I'll have to put a call in to her teacher. I get really anxious just thinking about it. Wish me luck!
J's surgery went well yesterday. In Kayla's words, he has a "really BIG bandaid". He gets to experience his f/u appointment and some PT for his wrist tomorrow with Alysa tagging along. Lucky him. :)
I'm happy to say that we all have our flu shots. J and I went last Friday afternoon to a clinic and one that took our insurance so it didn't cost us anything. The girls got theirs last night at the Pediatricians - theirs were $30 in copays. Doesn't this seem backwards? Too bad the clinic won't do kids under 9 - the doc's office charges for an office visit I guess to cover the nurse. I don't blame them, but it seems off to pay there and not at the clinic. :)
Alysa has her f/u in 2 weeks from her Upper Endoscopy. She's eating a bit better this week but it's b/c now that I know what the problem is I can work around it. Only offering her really soft foods. So she's eating a lot of eggs, yogurt, toast and pasta. :) I am going this week or Monday to her old doc in Philadelphia to get copies of the films from her Upper GI. I want to have all the info for her doc to make the right dx. With either meds indefinitely or surgery as the options, I want to make sure the right dx is made!
J figured out the trick to keeping Kayla happy about school. She never has a problem when I drop her off. He had been getting here there right at the time the teacher assistance come to get them. Tuesday he got her there a bit later and she was excited to go in with all her friends. Today was the same. She was pointing out kids that she knew. And she's still talking about Freddie the Fish. I'm thinking he's her favorite "new friend". LOL Tonight we have the Parent/Teacher night. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm also hoping to get a minute to discuss Halloween - otherwise I'll have to put a call in to her teacher. I get really anxious just thinking about it. Wish me luck!

Thanks for the reminder about flu shots. Doug & I don't get them, but I want to get one for Adam again.
Glad all went well with J's surgery!
Mark and I still have to get our flu shots, but Marky got his at the ped. Due to Jasons egg allergy he can't get one. I got mine at the church last year for $20.00. I'm hoping that they do it again this year.
I know what you mean, anytime I bring the camera or video camera out Kayla stops and says "cheeeese!"
Glad Js surgery went well! At least your able to get Alysa to eat a little better right now - hope you get an official dx soon so you know which way to go!
Glad J's surgery went well. Can't wait to hear about your night at school. I am SO curious to know what Petey is up to. When I ask him who is friends are all he ever says is he "loves Daniella". Daniella is a twin that dresses and looks exactly like her sister so he must think she is EVERYWHERE! It is like pulling teeth trying to get info...
I've been totally out of the loop!! Poor Jerome! And I love the video of Alysa- she's so cute. Hope you had a good time at the parent teacher night.
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