Saturday, July 19, 2008
For Rent

This is the sign I've dreaded for 6 months. The sign that showed up yesterday on our next door neighbor's front lawn. The husband works for the navy (he's not in the service, but he works for them). He was transferred to California for a 2 year assignment. That was 6 months ago and his wife and child have been here still. Getting new neighbors always opens you up to a wonderful experience or a nightmare. Renting is even worse. We live in a very nice, family neighborhood and when we moved to our street, the house across the street was rented. The people were STRANGE and the house was not kept up very good. Imagine our surprise when the wife up and moved out of state with her daughters because her husband (the step-father) was arrested for getting the 15 year old daughter pregnant. Then we get new renters. A younger guy with his girlfriend and baby and some of his limo's. He owned a limo company. Within a year, one day the FBI is at the house carting tons of stuff out. What happened to him? He was arrested for running a prostitution ring. This is our experience with renters (thankfully the house was then sold and the new owners are VERY nice people).
So we are very leary of renters and this time they'll be right next door to us.
In other events, Kayla and Alysa have a birthday party this afternoon which means fun for them and tons of stress and anxiety for me. It is at a play place, which means pizza and cake (it doesn't get much worse for us). And they play, eat pizza, play more, eat cake and play more. Yay! Thankfully the Mom is a friend of mine and she will be helping to make sure all the kids are washed up before going back out to play. It's also close to home, so we can leave early if we have to.
After, J and I have plans for a minor league baseball game with friends tonight. The girls will be with my Mom, so I'm looking forward to some baseball arena junk food - hot dogs, soda, etc (maybe even some popcorn).
Kayla's party is 2 weeks away - she is getting super excited. I of course, am annoyed. Today is the RSVP date and I have not heard from 8 of the kids from her school and none of J's family. And since I need to order the favors on Monday, I have to make a whole mess of phone calls tomorrow. I hate doing this, especially to the parents I don't know - but I'd hate for them not to call and show up and me not have favors for them. Do you think I'll get all 8 phone calls today? ;)
I had not really attached a theme to her party, but after talking to a friend of mine, I decided to get Littlest Pet Shop dessert plates (for the meal, I'm sticking with generic foam). She also gave me the idea (her daughter's birthday is this coming week) to put a petshop animal on the cupcakes. So...I was able to get a lot of 25 for $1.00 an animal on eBay. Jackpot! Since we'll have kids at the house too for the "adult" party, instead of doing an activity (we have the pool), I'm going with a pinata and I've decided to take a stab at making it. I'll get some skittles and starburts (both safe for Kayla) and some pinata toys. That should be fun. I'm planning on making it with the girls and then letting them paint it and put Littlest Pet Shop stickers on it. I found LPS ones (home made) on eBay but with shipping it would cost me $25 - I think that's a bit steep for a pinata. Maybe not, I've never purchased one before, but it's cheaper to make one.
Thursday, I got to run some blissful errands without the girls (my Mom was down for the day) and I stopped at the craft store to see if they sold Wilton's 4-Tier Stacked Dessert Tower. I was originally going to go for one of these, but the plastic one is cheaper AND more versatile - I can use it for cookies and other snacks for other events. So I was thrilled that they sold it (saved me shipping) AND that it was on sale for $12 (down from $20). We're having cupcakes at the play place and I'm making the porcupine cake from Allergy Moms. I'm also taking a stab at making Miss Roben's dairy-free Soft Pretzels for the play place.
I am still working on the rest of the menu, but I will be posting that either right before or right after the party with recipes.

Woah, sounds like you have a lot on your plate (no pun intended)
I loved hitting the piniata as a kid, and as an adult I love watching the kids smack it around. Anyone who thinks to get a pinata for their kid's party is extra cool in my book.
Sounds like you're busy too!!!
Hope your new renter neighbors are good neighbors - we have some weird ones around us too, so I can understand!
I'm getting ready to start planning Lil Sugar's 1st birthday party - part of me wants it to be a big shindig with all of our friends and family invited, the sensible part of me says - family only! We'll see who wins :)
YIKES on the renters! We had 3 sets next door: the first was carted off by a regional fugitive task force because the lady embezzeled money from a local government (and trust me that wasn't all that went on in that house), the 2nd were drug dealers with 3 neglected children and a giant rabid dog, and the 3rd were just serious dead beats. Finally a nice family bought the house. THANK GOODNESS. One more set of renters and we were moving.
Ya know, quite a few people never RSVP'd for Jasons party either. I think people have forgotten about manners when it comes to parties. It's really just plain rude.
Hope all went well at the birthday party. Pizza-Play places and food allergies is scary.
We just got back from a trip to the mountains, so I'll e-mail you my rice recipe later.
No one ever bothers to RSVP anymore, which drives me batty. I think it is just rude.
The house next door is rented out as well, the first people had on any given day at least 9-11 people living there including some very shady people. One of the people who lived there had a very small infant and she NEVER put him in a carseat when they left she just tossed him into the back seat. It was all I could do to not lay under the back wheel. They were very vulgar on their front lawn and my daughter learned very terrible things. Finally they moved out and we got some great new people there who have plans to buy the house at some point...hopefully.
We will pray you get good neighbors again, it makes such a big difference.
Crazy renters?! Whoa --- I'd definitely be leary too!!
I LOVE that Wilton dessert tower, that is toooo coool. I am going to have to get one, even if I don't have a use for it yet! LOL!!!
Sounds like you guys are having a blast this summer and keeping busy... The photos of the girls are so precious!
-- how'd the porcupine cupcakes turn out? They look YUMMY!
Oh, I hope you have better neighbor luck than us!
I don't think anyone RSVPs anymore. Gabe's party is in 3 1/2 weeks & I asked for RSVPs by 8/1. Only 1 person has RSVP'ed. But probably most will show up.
The party sounds fun!
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