Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Works For Me Wednesday

Changing crib sheets can be a hassle, especially when they are young and spit up and pee through, etc. So when my odd was a baby, I started layering her mattress I have the normal fitted waterproof mattress pad on the bottom. Then I bought the flat water-proof mattress pads and layer the sheets. This way, when of them gets the sheets dirty or wet or on Sundays (since Monday is laundry day for me), I take off the top sheet and the flat mattress pad and there underneath is a fresh, clean sheet for them to sleep on. I have 5 flat pads for each of them, which gives me 6 blissful weeks of not having to fight with the mattress and the bumper and the crib bars. This is especially helpful for the middle of the night sheet changes.
It works for me!
For more great tips, click on the picture above to go to the WFMW site!

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