Friday, February 13, 2009
What a difference a week makes...
A week and a half ago (on Tuesday), when I went in to talk to Kayla's teacher, Kayla clung to my leg and was so upset that I was leaving. On Thursday of that week when I dropped off her previous worksheets that she had done, Kayla "hid" behind me from her teacher, but did not cling to me and was more "OK" when I left.
When the jelly fish arrived, Kayla was actually excited to give it to her teacher. She even let her teacher hug her after she gave it to her yesterday. Today when I dropped her off I went in to talk to her teacher (it was crazy hectic yesterday morning due to a power outage). It did my heart really good when Kayla ran into the classroom and gave her a hug. She was excited to be there and although yesterday she told me she still didn't like her, today showed me different.
I have seen that although she's still drawing pictures, she is doing work sheets again. I was also told Kayla is working with the other materials. She will now sit down and work with her teacher. She is going to be starting her in a workbook next week since she's now been able to see that Kayla is ready (Kayla certainly loves workbooks at home). I was also given some bragging rights. Her teacher told me Kayla is very good with her sounds, but will also give her big words. She told me the other day when asking Kayla what word starts with the letter 'M', instead of responding with monkey or mom or another word she said she would expect from a child, Kayla came out with "marathon". That's my girl.
I know some of her turn-around was simply time, but I also believe that having her fears/anxieties/whatever acknowledged and having her teacher and I work together has helped her come around, at the very least quicker. Or at least I hope I helped her. Regardless, I'm glad I followed my instincts, and am confident she will begin to love school like she did last year with her new teacher.
Separately, it amazed me yesterday what OMT can do for them. They had their appointments and aside from working on them with their reflux issues, he spent time working on their sinuses (we all have major colds going on). He gave special attention to Kayla’s ear since she was diagnosed on Wednesday with an ear infection. He said what he was doing would help them drain and get better quicker. I was amazed to see them both wake up alert and in good spirits with their cough and congestion almost completely gone. He also said any time they are sick, if they’re not due to see him, I can call up for an appointment. I think I may take him up on that – especially for the times when they’re sick for 2 weeks straight. I’m quite jealous of their chipperness today.
When the jelly fish arrived, Kayla was actually excited to give it to her teacher. She even let her teacher hug her after she gave it to her yesterday. Today when I dropped her off I went in to talk to her teacher (it was crazy hectic yesterday morning due to a power outage). It did my heart really good when Kayla ran into the classroom and gave her a hug. She was excited to be there and although yesterday she told me she still didn't like her, today showed me different.
I have seen that although she's still drawing pictures, she is doing work sheets again. I was also told Kayla is working with the other materials. She will now sit down and work with her teacher. She is going to be starting her in a workbook next week since she's now been able to see that Kayla is ready (Kayla certainly loves workbooks at home). I was also given some bragging rights. Her teacher told me Kayla is very good with her sounds, but will also give her big words. She told me the other day when asking Kayla what word starts with the letter 'M', instead of responding with monkey or mom or another word she said she would expect from a child, Kayla came out with "marathon". That's my girl.
I know some of her turn-around was simply time, but I also believe that having her fears/anxieties/whatever acknowledged and having her teacher and I work together has helped her come around, at the very least quicker. Or at least I hope I helped her. Regardless, I'm glad I followed my instincts, and am confident she will begin to love school like she did last year with her new teacher.
Separately, it amazed me yesterday what OMT can do for them. They had their appointments and aside from working on them with their reflux issues, he spent time working on their sinuses (we all have major colds going on). He gave special attention to Kayla’s ear since she was diagnosed on Wednesday with an ear infection. He said what he was doing would help them drain and get better quicker. I was amazed to see them both wake up alert and in good spirits with their cough and congestion almost completely gone. He also said any time they are sick, if they’re not due to see him, I can call up for an appointment. I think I may take him up on that – especially for the times when they’re sick for 2 weeks straight. I’m quite jealous of their chipperness today.

so glad to read that things have improved for Kayla! I'm sure it helped that you went in to talk to the teacher and were working together. I'm sorry she's had trouble adjusting to all the changes with her teachers this school year, but it sounds like she's getting back to a routine and settled in!
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