Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Disney Days 4, 5 & 6...the last
Thursday, we headed over to Hollywood Studios. It didn’t last long for us because after about an hour, Kayla was melting down. She wanted to go on rides and there are just not a lot of things there for younger kids. We did see a Playhouse Disney show, but it was all downhill after that. After we realized Kayla’s meltdown was not going to end, we decided to leave HS and head back to Magic Kingdom. So J, the kids and I went to MK and as soon as we were in the car on the way there, they were different children. They were so happy to be back in “Kidville”. So we spent the rest of the day at MK just doing rides. It was during this trip that we figured out you can ride in the front of the monorail with the conductor. You just need to go to the front and tell the attendant you want to ride up front. If another family is waiting, you’ll have to wait, but the monorails come every 2 minutes so the wait is never that long. This is when the monorail became Alysa’s favorite ride and how she decided she wants to drive one when she grows up.
That night, we had our second meal at Disney. We went to the Hoop De Doo Review. It’s a country and western type dance show while you eat. I called the day before about the menu. The standard menu was corn bread, fried chicken, bbq ribs, mashed potatoes, baked beans and strawberry shortcake for dessert. Our menu consisted of tapioca bread rolls, fried chicken, bbq ribs, French fries for the girls, rice for J and I, baked beans and Tofutti vanilla and chocolate ice cream for dessert, as well as Silk Soy Milk for the girls to drink. Aside from the altered menu and general accommodations for Kayla’s safety, the Chef went so far beyond my expectation. When we arrived and were given our table, before we let the kids sit, I proceeded to clean everything. I cleaned the chairs, the booster seats, etc. Then I cleaned the salt and pepper shakers and anything else on the table that could have been contaminated. As I was doing this I saw a man standing by the table watching me. Once I was done he came up to me to go over the menu (it was the Chef). He also told me, for my information, that he had already, before we arrived cleaned all those same items on the table. He said it is Disney policy to clean off anything on the table when someone with an allergy will be there. It really surprised me and showed again how diligent they are. Alysa was a bit “scared” of the show, but she was a trooper. Kayla, not only loved having safe food, but was so excited and enthusiastic about the show. She loved the entire thing and was dancing and clapping and really getting into it. And she was really beside herself with excitement over getting ice cream at a restaurant. It was a special night for her and all of us.
Friday was originally going to be our Sea World day. But after the fiasco at Hollywood Studios, we opted to bypass Sea World this year. My Sis was concerned about sitting for water shows and getting sprayed when it was supposed to be in the low 50’s and very windy. My biggest concern was food. SW has a policy of not allowing outside food in the park. They do make exceptions for those with special dietary needs, but they expect you to only bring in a lunchbox sized cooler. I was concerned they’d give us a hard time over the slightly larger coolers and the fact that we’d be bringing food for 14 since we were all eating safe lunches. I was glad to not have to deal with the headache. Instead, we spent the day at the Orlando Science Center. It was a ton of fun for the kids and us adults. A lot of hands on exhibits for the kids and coincidentally there was a huge gaming event going on, which meant X-Box, Wii, etc were all set up. It was a good day and a bit more relaxing and it allowed a bit more freedom for the kids and a day of no lines.
That evening, my parents so graciously babysat for all 7 kids while J and went out with my Sis, her hubby Jason and Jason’s brother Erik. We ate a fabulous dinner at the HOUSE OF BLUES , did a little shopping so Erik could pick something up for his wife and then had dessert at WOLF GANG PUCK’S and then headed to DISNEY QUEST for some virtual reality fun. It was a great night and wish we had the option to do those nights more often.
Saturday was the day for Animal Kingdom, but on the way there, Kayla kept complaining that she didn’t want to go and wanted to go back to the Magic Kingdom. I knew there was more for her at AK, then HS, but I did not want a repeat of Thursday. So…we had my Dad drop J and I and the girls off at MK and the rest of them headed over to AK for the day. It was a wonderful day. The girls were thrilled to be back at the MK and we had more chances to ride with the driver on the monorail. Being in Disney was so much fun, especially having all of us together, but it was nice to have a day with just the 4 of us. We were able to hit a few rides we didn’t get to earlier as well as many repeats.
It was an awesome trip and so much fun. I really hope we can get back in 3-4 years’ish. The older they get the more we will all get out of Disney! It is not only great to have a fun place to go to, but it’s so refreshing and wonderful to have somewhere to go on vacation that takes food allergies seriously and makes it as safe as humanly possible, not only for your child to have fun, but to also eat (not only by cooking safe food but also by allowing you to bring in food – no questions asked). Each day when they checked our bags, I let them know of the epi’s. More than once, I was told by the “Cast Member” to make sure I take it on every ride b/c you “never know when a reaction can happen” (of course J and I each had a set on us at all times, plus we had a set in the backpack). They have hit a gold mind with their policies and there is a reason most food allergy families I know will ONLY go to Disney. Keep up the good work Disney. Hopefully more destinations will take your lead and if not, you will continue to reap the benefits – as you should!
Day 4 - Hollywood Studios, Magic Kingdom & Hoop De Doo Review
Day 5 - Orlando Science Center
Day 6 - Magic Kingdom
That night, we had our second meal at Disney. We went to the Hoop De Doo Review. It’s a country and western type dance show while you eat. I called the day before about the menu. The standard menu was corn bread, fried chicken, bbq ribs, mashed potatoes, baked beans and strawberry shortcake for dessert. Our menu consisted of tapioca bread rolls, fried chicken, bbq ribs, French fries for the girls, rice for J and I, baked beans and Tofutti vanilla and chocolate ice cream for dessert, as well as Silk Soy Milk for the girls to drink. Aside from the altered menu and general accommodations for Kayla’s safety, the Chef went so far beyond my expectation. When we arrived and were given our table, before we let the kids sit, I proceeded to clean everything. I cleaned the chairs, the booster seats, etc. Then I cleaned the salt and pepper shakers and anything else on the table that could have been contaminated. As I was doing this I saw a man standing by the table watching me. Once I was done he came up to me to go over the menu (it was the Chef). He also told me, for my information, that he had already, before we arrived cleaned all those same items on the table. He said it is Disney policy to clean off anything on the table when someone with an allergy will be there. It really surprised me and showed again how diligent they are. Alysa was a bit “scared” of the show, but she was a trooper. Kayla, not only loved having safe food, but was so excited and enthusiastic about the show. She loved the entire thing and was dancing and clapping and really getting into it. And she was really beside herself with excitement over getting ice cream at a restaurant. It was a special night for her and all of us.
Friday was originally going to be our Sea World day. But after the fiasco at Hollywood Studios, we opted to bypass Sea World this year. My Sis was concerned about sitting for water shows and getting sprayed when it was supposed to be in the low 50’s and very windy. My biggest concern was food. SW has a policy of not allowing outside food in the park. They do make exceptions for those with special dietary needs, but they expect you to only bring in a lunchbox sized cooler. I was concerned they’d give us a hard time over the slightly larger coolers and the fact that we’d be bringing food for 14 since we were all eating safe lunches. I was glad to not have to deal with the headache. Instead, we spent the day at the Orlando Science Center. It was a ton of fun for the kids and us adults. A lot of hands on exhibits for the kids and coincidentally there was a huge gaming event going on, which meant X-Box, Wii, etc were all set up. It was a good day and a bit more relaxing and it allowed a bit more freedom for the kids and a day of no lines.
That evening, my parents so graciously babysat for all 7 kids while J and went out with my Sis, her hubby Jason and Jason’s brother Erik. We ate a fabulous dinner at the HOUSE OF BLUES , did a little shopping so Erik could pick something up for his wife and then had dessert at WOLF GANG PUCK’S and then headed to DISNEY QUEST for some virtual reality fun. It was a great night and wish we had the option to do those nights more often.
Saturday was the day for Animal Kingdom, but on the way there, Kayla kept complaining that she didn’t want to go and wanted to go back to the Magic Kingdom. I knew there was more for her at AK, then HS, but I did not want a repeat of Thursday. So…we had my Dad drop J and I and the girls off at MK and the rest of them headed over to AK for the day. It was a wonderful day. The girls were thrilled to be back at the MK and we had more chances to ride with the driver on the monorail. Being in Disney was so much fun, especially having all of us together, but it was nice to have a day with just the 4 of us. We were able to hit a few rides we didn’t get to earlier as well as many repeats.
It was an awesome trip and so much fun. I really hope we can get back in 3-4 years’ish. The older they get the more we will all get out of Disney! It is not only great to have a fun place to go to, but it’s so refreshing and wonderful to have somewhere to go on vacation that takes food allergies seriously and makes it as safe as humanly possible, not only for your child to have fun, but to also eat (not only by cooking safe food but also by allowing you to bring in food – no questions asked). Each day when they checked our bags, I let them know of the epi’s. More than once, I was told by the “Cast Member” to make sure I take it on every ride b/c you “never know when a reaction can happen” (of course J and I each had a set on us at all times, plus we had a set in the backpack). They have hit a gold mind with their policies and there is a reason most food allergy families I know will ONLY go to Disney. Keep up the good work Disney. Hopefully more destinations will take your lead and if not, you will continue to reap the benefits – as you should!
Day 4 - Hollywood Studios, Magic Kingdom & Hoop De Doo Review
Day 5 - Orlando Science Center
Day 6 - Magic Kingdom

Scott and I would love to take the kids to Disney in a couple years....
What a wonderful trip for your family...the view of the Grand Floridian in one of the pictures brings back great memories of my honeymoon. We stayed there and had a tough time leaving such a beautiful resort every day to enjoy the other Disney sights...
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