When I started this blog, I was not sure how it was going to go – IF it was going to go. Plus, I am not what you would call “creative”, so I don’t come up with witty or meaningful titles very easily (if ever). And since the blog thing seems to be going well - I’ve decided to change the “Name” of my blog to something a bit more fitting of me and my family. Ever since I can remember I wanted to be a Mom. It was a given in my mind, never an “IF”. Well, it became an “IF” when I was diagnosed with Infertility. Kayla was a 2 ½ year battle. But luckily it was a battle we won – and a battle well worth the fight. Alysa came soon after to our surprise and excitement. And luckily we beat some staggering odds with her - with both conception and an inevitable miscarriage – that obviously we were able to stop from happening. I credit both myself and my doctor’s office. We were all quick to respond to my shocking positive pregnancy test.
My dream was to have a family. It was what I wanted more than anything. I couldn’t imagine life without children. The hope that I would somehow achiever motherhood kept me going. And it is because of hope and my doctors (and some wonderful supporters) that I am Living My Dream!

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