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Southern New Jersey

I am a Mom to 2 amazing and fun daughters and wife to a great guy and a wonderful father!

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Kayla, my oldest. She is 4 1/2 and is a sweet, loving and silly little girl. She took us 2 ½ years and 3 IVF’s to conceive. Kayla is allergic to dairy. We manage her allergy and work to balance her safety with giving her a normal childhood. Kayla loves to read books and play games - she amazes me every day.

Alysa, my youngest. She is 3 years old and is a silly little spitfire. She’s our monkey and loves to climb on everything. She was a “natural” baby, but it was only b/c of my wonderful doctors that we were able to stop an impending miscarriage. Alysa suffers from Acid Reflux Disease and sleep apnea. She may be little, but she has a big personality. She adores her big sister and is so much fun to be around. She keeps me laughing every day.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009
Check out what’s in my fridge!!!

Yup! That really is a gallon of cow’s milk in our fridge. Kayla has OUTGROWN her dairy allergy!!! I am in complete shock and am suspended in disbelief and can not believe, that for the 3rd day in a row, Kayla has ingested some form of dairy and is going strong!

It’s been a long road and especially most recently. I have so much to share which will in part explain my sporadic posting recently. But it’s a lot to type, let alone digest mentally and emotionally.

But so far, it has not been a lot for Kayla to process. She was so excited to go to school today and eat a “regular snack” and tell her teachers she’s no longer allergic to dairy! She's even more excited to eat pizza for lunch tomorrow since it's, well, Pizza Day at school! She’s my trooper and you’ll see as the details unfold why I am one proud Momma!

posted at 7:46 PM  

At 7:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Kayla has continued to amaze me with her understanding & maturity in dealing with her dairy allergy. You, Jerome & Alysa have helped all along to make her feel safe, yet aware. Alysa cracks me up. As soon as she is given an unknown food item, she asks for me to check the ingredients to see if the food is "safe" for Kayla. Great job Sue!

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Christine said...

Yay!!!! Oreos (dairy-free or not) are still the best accoutrement to that gallon of milk... :)

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

I can't wait to read the story of how this all came about! So happy for Kayla that she outgrew the dairy allergy!


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