Monday, May 25, 2009
I think too many don't stop to remember what today is about. It is so easy to get caught up in the picnics and having a day off. So please, whatever you are doing today, take a moment to stop and think of the men and women who have lost their lives fighting so we can have and maintain our freedoms. To all of those in the military and their families, I thank you.
Please also think of the freedoms we enjoy and make sure to appreciate them. It is so imperative right now to realize what freedoms we have and those that are slowly eroding away.
And let me say it is not very easy to try and explain, even in the simplest terms, what Memorial Day is about to a very wiggly 4 1/2 year old.
Please also think of the freedoms we enjoy and make sure to appreciate them. It is so imperative right now to realize what freedoms we have and those that are slowly eroding away.
And let me say it is not very easy to try and explain, even in the simplest terms, what Memorial Day is about to a very wiggly 4 1/2 year old.

It was very sad that at both parades we were at no one seemed to notice when the families of military personnel float came by. The biggest affront to me was that no one was clapping for the family members holding the banner with the names of the 2 dead soldiers from our city. I literally started to cry for them. For their loss and for the fact that no one seemed to care or notice. I started to clap VERY loudly and then a few other people finally took notice but I wonder how much of the parade route was silent as they walked by because they didn't have a "flashy" float", no one cared to pay attention.
Very good post. I like the way you tie in the fact that our military is fighting for what America stands for—freedom.
Throughout history, armies have fought for territorial boundaries, kings, monarchs, dictators, imperialistic ambitions, the “honor” of some sundry rulers, the tribe, and so on.
America’s military is unique. It fights for a set of ideas…the most radical set of ideas in man’s history. America is the first and only country founded on the principle that an individual’s life is his to live, by unalienable right. America is the first and only country founded on the explicit principle that the government exists as servant for and by permission of the people, with the solemn duty to protect those rights; or, as Ronald Reagan put it in his first inaugural address:
We are a nation that has a government—not the other way around!Sadly, as you point out, the knowledge of what this country stands for is steadily slipping away…and along with it, our rights. Fortunately, we’re still free to speak out. So the best way to honor our military personnel, for those of us who still retain that knowledge, is to remind our fellow Americans in any small way that we can about America’s unique, noble, and radical founding ideals.
We can still prevent “the other way around”.
Happy belated Memorial Day, and be sure and make your post an annual event.
P.S.—I’m sure your little wigglers will grow up knowing America.
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