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Southern New Jersey

I am a Mom to 2 amazing and fun daughters and wife to a great guy and a wonderful father!

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Kayla, my oldest. She is 4 1/2 and is a sweet, loving and silly little girl. She took us 2 ½ years and 3 IVF’s to conceive. Kayla is allergic to dairy. We manage her allergy and work to balance her safety with giving her a normal childhood. Kayla loves to read books and play games - she amazes me every day.

Alysa, my youngest. She is 3 years old and is a silly little spitfire. She’s our monkey and loves to climb on everything. She was a “natural” baby, but it was only b/c of my wonderful doctors that we were able to stop an impending miscarriage. Alysa suffers from Acid Reflux Disease and sleep apnea. She may be little, but she has a big personality. She adores her big sister and is so much fun to be around. She keeps me laughing every day.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009
American Tea Party
My month of chaos is almost over. Had a great trip this past weekend and slowly getting back to normal (more on that later). Of course I do have one more trip coming up (again more on that exciting trip later).

I heard this song on the radio today and had to share.

I also was able to find the lyrics at Fox News:

American Tea Party Anthem

written and performed by Lloyd Marcus

Mr. President!
Your stimulus is sure to bust.
It's just a socialistic scheme,
The only thing it will do
Is kill the American Dream.

You wanna take from achievers
Somehow you think that's fair.
And redistribute to those folks
Who won't get out of their easy chair.

We're havin' a tea party across this land.
If you love this country,
Come on and join our band.
We're standin' up for freedom and liberty,
'Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain't free.

So when they call you a racist cause you disagree,
It's just another of their dirty tricks to silence you and me.
I believe in the Constitution and all it stands for.
Anyone who tramples it should be booted out the door.

We're havin' a tea party across this land.
If you love this country,
Come on and join our band.
We're standin' up for freedom and liberty,
'Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain't free.

Now we're not advocating violence,
That's what the so-called peace crowd do.
We're talkin' peaceful protest to defend the red, white and blue.

We gotta vote out these clowns who don't love the USA.
Who stay up late losing sleep, fearing what the French might say.

We're havin' a tea party across this land.
If you love this country,
Come on and join our band.
We're standin' up for freedom and liberty,
'Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain't free.

We're havin' a tea party across this land.
If you love this country,
Come on and join our band.
We're standin' up for freedom and liberty,
'Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain't free.

Freedom ain't free,
(Stand up for America)
Freedom ain't free,
(Gotta take a stand)
Freedom ain't free,
(Mr. Obama)
Freedom ain't free,
(We work hard for our money)
Freedom ain't free,
(Don't give it away)
Freedom ain't free,
(Save the day)
Freedom ain't free,
(Don't go givin' it away)
Freedom ain't free,
(It ain't gonna work)
Freedom ain't free,
(Give back our freedom)
Freedom ain't free,
(Give back our liberty)
Freedom ain't free,
(I love my country)

posted at 5:16 PM  

At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't heard this before, but I like it.

At 7:00 PM, Blogger principled perspectives said...

This “Tea Party” phenomenon could be the beginning of a rebellion against the utter lawlessness that began with Bush and is now rampant in Washington. But the rebellion needs a solid philosophical foundation or it will peter out. This country’s radical founding principles need to be rediscovered if the unconstitutional rampage is to be stopped.

It is not an overstatement to say that we desperately need a (non-violent) second American Revolution. Hopefully, the Tea Party movement is the seed.



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