Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Blocking it out
I did it, I voted this morning on my way to work. Now I am going to block out the election coverage and pretend I live in my own little world where neither McCain nor Obama will win. Ha! It is surprising to me that people are coming out in droves to vote this year. An election where I had to force myself to vote. With neither main-stream candidate a viable option for me, I could not muster any enthusiasm for today’s election. As I had to wait on line OUTSIDE, I was thinking. Seriously? What is making so many more people than “normal” vote? Don’t get me wrong, it is good people are getting out to vote (well, maybe not all of them – I want those who are informed to be first in line), but what about this election is making people who usually ignore elections want to get out and vote so eagerly?
This is the first election that I have not only, not voted Republican, but the first one where I have voted for a third party candidate. A change for me, but I really need to stay true to my values. Isn’t that what elections are supposed to be about, our individual values and freedoms? Individual freedoms – you know the whole concept this country was founded upon – something forgotten by so many.
Now I will spend the rest of the day listening to Christmas music and turning the volume down during the incessant political commercials. Yes, it is a bit early for Christmas music, but…with a local station already on the Christmas bandwagon and me needing an escape from the day’s unfolding election, I a more than happy to fast-forward to Christmas! Anyone want to join me?
This is the first election that I have not only, not voted Republican, but the first one where I have voted for a third party candidate. A change for me, but I really need to stay true to my values. Isn’t that what elections are supposed to be about, our individual values and freedoms? Individual freedoms – you know the whole concept this country was founded upon – something forgotten by so many.
Now I will spend the rest of the day listening to Christmas music and turning the volume down during the incessant political commercials. Yes, it is a bit early for Christmas music, but…with a local station already on the Christmas bandwagon and me needing an escape from the day’s unfolding election, I a more than happy to fast-forward to Christmas! Anyone want to join me?

No No NO!!! I don't want to join you in listening to christmas music. AHHHHHH!!!!! lol but i hear ya on the election front!
Did ya vote for Ron Paul?
I'll join you!
I have been known to listen to Christmas music all times of the year! It is the best stress reliever...well, maybe not the best but the cheapest! I didn't vote until 8:00 p.m. because at 7:59 p.m. I was still trying to sort through all my thoughts on this election. I was drawn to watch the results last night but some xmas music with a gingerbread latte would have been far more appealing...
I love that you listened to Christmas music! WHat a great idea. Claire was sick so we watched movies and snuggled up. I couldn't bear to watch the coverage last night so I woke up today to the news.
I think it is awesome that you voted 3rd party as well, I had to do the same thing for the same reason. Guess what? I slept better knowing that I did that too.
I guess I just wasn't even paying attention to third parties (although I did notice on the ballot that we have a socialist party---WHAT??) since I knew they wouldn't win.
I voted for Bob Barr - he's the best option already on the ballot.
I usually don't pay attention to 3rd parties - but I could not in good conscience vote for either of the main party candidates.
I've never seen those socialist parties on the ballot before. But...we have to give them credit - at least their honest in what they stand for. Obama's a socialist but won't admit it.
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