Thursday, August 07, 2008
Birthday Party - Part 3 - Back at the House
After Pump It Up, we came back to the house for some more party fun. A couple of our close friends joined us as well as family. It rained in the morning, but we were lucky it cleared up for the afternoon. The only glitch was a quick storm that came through. Of course it came through when everyone was in the pool, but it gave us a reason to get out and have cake.
The kids had fun with the pinata. Thankfully my girlfriend's son is 12, so after all the little ones got a chance - he got it broken open with one good hit!
On a sour note, I had even more problems with my oh-so-reliable Kodak camera. Aside from the fact that almost every picture I took at Pump It Up was grainy and cruddy, the camera overheated at the house and was burning hot. Thankfully I was able to get all the pics off the camera and it still was technically working and it eventually cooled down. But that's the last thing I need. So I may have to look into what's out there. Trust me, it won't be a Kodak!!! Any suggestions on a good brand in case I have to buy sooner rather than later?
The pool was filling up - it was pretty hot and humid

Alysa & Kayla at the pool

Daddy & Alysa

J thinking he can jump in and ride the inflatable jet ski - the big boys thought they were the kids...

Kayla & Emma (my girlfriend's 10 month old daughter)

The Porcupine Cake (please ignore the disaster my kitchen turned into from the party)

(This cake was a HUGE hit)
Pinata time (a home made Littlest Pet Shop pinata)

Family photo

Kayla So excited with her Leapster

I also have to say that Kayla got some really nice and thoughtful gifts. She gots games which she loves and a bunch of polly pockets. She also got a littlest pet shop activity set with coloring books, stickers, etc - always fun. She also got a really nice art set - with markers, crayons, etc. Sunday, she played with the Leapster we got her ALL day. I gave her one day of unlimited Leapster playing. Monday, it was back to reality with limited media time. It will be nice to have it for our trip to Ohio next week. She got a Toys R Us gift card which should be fun for her since we really never take her to the store to just buy something. She also got a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble. Considering how much she loves books, this is probably one of her best gifts. I'm hoping to get some time to take her just the two of us.
Sunday, Alysa asked me, "Mommy where is my Leapster?" (Kayla won't let her touch it). I told her she didn't have one. Her reply? "We'll go to the store and get me a Leapster tomorrow!"
The kids had fun with the pinata. Thankfully my girlfriend's son is 12, so after all the little ones got a chance - he got it broken open with one good hit!
On a sour note, I had even more problems with my oh-so-reliable Kodak camera. Aside from the fact that almost every picture I took at Pump It Up was grainy and cruddy, the camera overheated at the house and was burning hot. Thankfully I was able to get all the pics off the camera and it still was technically working and it eventually cooled down. But that's the last thing I need. So I may have to look into what's out there. Trust me, it won't be a Kodak!!! Any suggestions on a good brand in case I have to buy sooner rather than later?
The pool was filling up - it was pretty hot and humid

Alysa & Kayla at the pool

Daddy & Alysa

J thinking he can jump in and ride the inflatable jet ski - the big boys thought they were the kids...

Kayla & Emma (my girlfriend's 10 month old daughter)

The Porcupine Cake (please ignore the disaster my kitchen turned into from the party)

(This cake was a HUGE hit)
Pinata time (a home made Littlest Pet Shop pinata)

Family photo

Kayla So excited with her Leapster

I also have to say that Kayla got some really nice and thoughtful gifts. She gots games which she loves and a bunch of polly pockets. She also got a littlest pet shop activity set with coloring books, stickers, etc - always fun. She also got a really nice art set - with markers, crayons, etc. Sunday, she played with the Leapster we got her ALL day. I gave her one day of unlimited Leapster playing. Monday, it was back to reality with limited media time. It will be nice to have it for our trip to Ohio next week. She got a Toys R Us gift card which should be fun for her since we really never take her to the store to just buy something. She also got a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble. Considering how much she loves books, this is probably one of her best gifts. I'm hoping to get some time to take her just the two of us.
Sunday, Alysa asked me, "Mommy where is my Leapster?" (Kayla won't let her touch it). I told her she didn't have one. Her reply? "We'll go to the store and get me a Leapster tomorrow!"

That looks like a great party!
I agree with you on limited media time - my SIL does the same thing, and primarily saves those things for road trips!
OK, now I'm off to read your older entries...
Oh how I wish we had a pool...
We got Jason a Leapster this year too. He LOVES it!! We only got him one game to go with it, so I think Santa will be bringing more.
Love the cake:)
The pictures are great but I am sorry you are still having camera problems. Must get them fixed before Disney. If you buy a new one I would recommend a cannon. If you want the details on what I have I will tell you when we talk. I LOVE my camera. I LOVE coloring on the Leapster!!! I always hear Mommy, that is mine!
Love the photos - I can't get over just how much Kayla looks like you. She's like a clone!
Looks like everyone had a great day.
Great cake!
Great cake, and hooray for books! Sometimes it seems no kids read nowadays. What sweet, smart little kids your girls are growing up to be.
Fun!! You've been as busy as us!!
Hey, we JUST bought a camera (on Missouri's tax-free weekend :)
We love it (so far, only had it 10 days).
It was clearanced down to $180 at Best Buy.
It's a Kodak (I know you just frowned), M1033. It's 10 megapixels.
We've taken it in just about every setting & so far so good.
Good luck on your search, we studied hard & read lots of reviews.
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