Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Allergist Today
So I made our trek to the Allergist today. I’m totally wiped out. Both girls were extremely well behaved and listened phenomenally well. But, as with any toddler, there was a lot of, don’t climb there or don’t stand in front of the door, etc. I got quite a few comments of “they must wear you out”. You think? :)
Alysa was a trooper. She cried when they stuck her with the skin test things, but then she was fine. The itching didn’t bother her. Of course, the tests came up negative on everything, including pine trees. I knew that would happen. Luckily, the doctor agrees with my Mommy dx and concurs that she is indeed allergic to pine trees (he said to go artificial next year – uh, already on that). So he gave me a prescription for an allergy medicine for her to take as needed. Allergy testing at this age is very unreliable, but it was dead-on for Kayla, so I figured it can’t really hurt. Reaction always trumps any test result. But he’s having me take her for some b/w just to rule out normal blood issues (basically some cbc stuff). We go back in 6 weeks for a f/u for those tests.
And I confirmed with him what they will do for Kayla in August when she turns 3. I was right in my assumptions – they will have RAST tested (blood test) for her dairy allergy and then if negative, follow up with skin testing. If both are negative, they will do a food challenge in their office. As much as I hope she outgrows it, I can’t say I’m looking forward to the testing and challenges. Of course he had to say, she'll probably turn out still +, b/c the typical age to outgrow is between 3 and 5. I know all this, but I still don't like to hear it...
I will also add that Kayla cracked me up when she started to pull her shirt up and asked them for “her turn” with the skin testing. She always has to do what Alysa does – good and bad…
Oh and besides common environmental and seasonal allergies, they tested Alysa for the Top 8 food allergens (dairy, soy, wheat, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shell fish). Yes, I know I stated earlier that allergy testing on a 1 year is not full-proof, but I’m still glad those all came out negative.
So my torturous day of spending 1 ½ hours in a doctor’s office with 2 Toddlers that never sit still is over. What a relief. I think I’ll go collapse now…
Alysa was a trooper. She cried when they stuck her with the skin test things, but then she was fine. The itching didn’t bother her. Of course, the tests came up negative on everything, including pine trees. I knew that would happen. Luckily, the doctor agrees with my Mommy dx and concurs that she is indeed allergic to pine trees (he said to go artificial next year – uh, already on that). So he gave me a prescription for an allergy medicine for her to take as needed. Allergy testing at this age is very unreliable, but it was dead-on for Kayla, so I figured it can’t really hurt. Reaction always trumps any test result. But he’s having me take her for some b/w just to rule out normal blood issues (basically some cbc stuff). We go back in 6 weeks for a f/u for those tests.
And I confirmed with him what they will do for Kayla in August when she turns 3. I was right in my assumptions – they will have RAST tested (blood test) for her dairy allergy and then if negative, follow up with skin testing. If both are negative, they will do a food challenge in their office. As much as I hope she outgrows it, I can’t say I’m looking forward to the testing and challenges. Of course he had to say, she'll probably turn out still +, b/c the typical age to outgrow is between 3 and 5. I know all this, but I still don't like to hear it...
I will also add that Kayla cracked me up when she started to pull her shirt up and asked them for “her turn” with the skin testing. She always has to do what Alysa does – good and bad…
Oh and besides common environmental and seasonal allergies, they tested Alysa for the Top 8 food allergens (dairy, soy, wheat, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shell fish). Yes, I know I stated earlier that allergy testing on a 1 year is not full-proof, but I’m still glad those all came out negative.
So my torturous day of spending 1 ½ hours in a doctor’s office with 2 Toddlers that never sit still is over. What a relief. I think I’ll go collapse now…

Well I'm glad she tested negative to the top 8!! You know the tree was an issue, and mom always knows best. Jason tested negative to all the environmentals and seasonals. If it's negative then why does he need the nebulizer every fall? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Kayla. Maybe she will outgrow. We can pray on it anyway:)
Whew! I was wondering if you'd gone yet. I'm so glad it looks like no food allergies for Alysa. That is a relief!
What a hard day! But it sounds like positive results, so that's good.
I always dread the "testing" days. We decided to forego the last round of testing because we didn't think it would give us more information than we already have. (i.e. We KNOW he's still allergic to dairy because he ate a piece of popcorn with butter on it at a a friend's party and reacted. It's also highly unlikely that he would have outgrown egg by this time, and peanuts and treenuts may forever be a "no" for him.)
Anyway, all that to say that I was incredibly relieved that the doctor suggested that we skip testing. I can't imagine doing two at the saem time!
Thanks for stopping by my blog - its great to find another mama with a child food allergies.
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