Tuesday, March 04, 2008
The Traumatic Fall
I think I’m a pretty easy-going Mom when it comes to my girls and their injuries. They fall, the hit, the bump into things. They get bruises and cuts and scrapes. Alysa even broke her arm and fell out of bed once already. None of that has affected me very much. I pick them up, dust them off, kiss their booboos and send them on their way.
Last night, as we were getting ready to leave gymnastics, Kayla points to a little boy and says, “Mommy. He has dairy.” Sure enough, he was eating a plastic bag filled with some kind of cheese puffs. I told her I was proud of her for seeing it and we got dressed to leave. Then, out of nowhere, another little boy [who was probably running or something - I did not see it happen] bumped into Kayla/fell into her. She went splat on the ground on her tush (very hard too) and he landed on top of her. As I hear her crying from the shock and pain of the fall, all I could see was that she had landed at the feet of the boy with the cheese puffs. She was literally millimeters away from colliding with him. I had visions flash threw my mind of cheese puffs flying and landing on her. I probably made her trauma worse b/c I yanked her up and away so fast, her shoe went flying off and my cell phone flew out of my purse. After I cleared her shoe and my phone away from the dairy-danger, I was able to calmly pick her up and comfort her. She definitely fell hard and I know she was hurting. The Mom and boy apologized and we then left for home.
On the way home, she kept talking about the boy who “pushed her”. Then she said to me, “Mommy, I was scare.” So I told her I knew it was scary and she got hurt (I assumed, incorrectly that she was talking about the fall). She then said, “The boy with dairy scared me.”
You and me both sweetie – you and me both.
Last night, as we were getting ready to leave gymnastics, Kayla points to a little boy and says, “Mommy. He has dairy.” Sure enough, he was eating a plastic bag filled with some kind of cheese puffs. I told her I was proud of her for seeing it and we got dressed to leave. Then, out of nowhere, another little boy [who was probably running or something - I did not see it happen] bumped into Kayla/fell into her. She went splat on the ground on her tush (very hard too) and he landed on top of her. As I hear her crying from the shock and pain of the fall, all I could see was that she had landed at the feet of the boy with the cheese puffs. She was literally millimeters away from colliding with him. I had visions flash threw my mind of cheese puffs flying and landing on her. I probably made her trauma worse b/c I yanked her up and away so fast, her shoe went flying off and my cell phone flew out of my purse. After I cleared her shoe and my phone away from the dairy-danger, I was able to calmly pick her up and comfort her. She definitely fell hard and I know she was hurting. The Mom and boy apologized and we then left for home.
On the way home, she kept talking about the boy who “pushed her”. Then she said to me, “Mommy, I was scare.” So I told her I knew it was scary and she got hurt (I assumed, incorrectly that she was talking about the fall). She then said, “The boy with dairy scared me.”
You and me both sweetie – you and me both.

I'm sorry, but why can't people wait to eat until after they leave the gym place? Why does food need to be EVERYWHERE??????? I'm so sorry that you both were scared. I hate food allergies :(
Poor Kayla! It must be so hard hearing her say things like that when all you want is for her to feel safe.
I agree with Janeen it amazes me how parents feel their children should have the "option" of food every stinking place they go! No wonder our country is so stinking fat.
I am very sorry that it happened!
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