Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Wordless Wednesday (sort of)

Alysa is SO busted

"Oh no, coins!" (her words)

She thinks she's too cute to get in trouble
Hop on over to WW to see more great photos.

Southern New Jersey
I am a Mom to 2 amazing and fun daughters and wife to a great guy and a wonderful father!
She IS too cute to get into trouble - LOL!
She is hamming it up for the camera, isnt she??? lol....what a cutie:)
what a cutie!! very photogenic.
The middle photo is my favorite. Happy WW!
She IS just too darn cute! Look at that smile! And she knows how to turn on the charm!
Happy WW!
She's too darn cute to get in trouble! I remember when Jason went through the table climbing stage. Scared me to death to see him up there.
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