Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Never a Dull Moment
Well, it happened. It took her 20 months, but Alysa "finally" did it. The Monkey climbed and paid the price. I worked yesterday instead of Wednesday this week b/c J has his store inventory tomorrow. So I get home last night and when I happened to be pulling in the driveway, J was working on dinner in the kitchen - yup, he cooks too! :) What do I see as I pull up? My two girls STANDING in the windowsill in the playroom (aka living room). Now we don't let them climb up there. They refuse to accept that rule. I will admit that it was cute though. So I come in the house and within a minute, Alysa is crying. She fell trying to get out of the window and landed somehow on her arm.
She wouldn't STOP crying. She wouldn't use her arm. We handed her toys, she used her right arm (her left was hurting). Finally, J got a can of unopened beer. They love the cold. She reached for it with both hands, grabbed it and it fell to the left as she couldn't hold it with her left hand. Her Ped's office told us to take her to the ER for x-rays. So, she had her first trip to the ER.
Thankfully nothing is broken - her teeny tiny little bones are just fine. But it hurts her. Even the x-ray tech could tell when she held her arm a couple ways she screamed even harder. But while at the hospital she had some pleasant, non screaming moments and started to use her arm a bit. She would hold my medical id card, but not her cup of "milk" (aka soy formula). Even with her crying, she was the hit of the hospital. One woman even told me "She's awesome" with all her talking - "Card please Mommy". "Thank you Mommy". "Milk Mommy." "Thank you Mommy." "All done card. Another card. Thank you Mommy." "It's raining Mommy." etc. etc.
I felt bad though that within all our rushing to get her arm immobilized and out of the house, I never thought to bring her comfort - Baby and Taggie. But Kayla, who was an amazing Big Sister to Alysa last night (bringing me the ice pack, comforting Alysa, etc) told J that Alysa was hungry and needed dinner. So J called me to offer to bring her a sandwich. He did and I told him to bring Baby and Taggie (she was asking for them over and over). Her little tear-stained face lit up when she saw them.
So although her arm is not broken and the doctor said her arm should be ok today - it's not. She's still in pain. She's babying it a lot and anytime she puts any weight on it or bumps it, she cries, holds it up to me and says "Arm. Kiss it." or "Fingers. Kiss it Mommy." She spend a lot of this morning crying. So I now have a call in to her Ped's office so they can tell me what they think.
So here's my question - Since Kayla has been in the ER 3 times in her short life (for reflux and her stomach viruses) and now Alysa has been there once for her arm - do you think they'll give a bulk discount on my $100 ER copay?
She wouldn't STOP crying. She wouldn't use her arm. We handed her toys, she used her right arm (her left was hurting). Finally, J got a can of unopened beer. They love the cold. She reached for it with both hands, grabbed it and it fell to the left as she couldn't hold it with her left hand. Her Ped's office told us to take her to the ER for x-rays. So, she had her first trip to the ER.
Thankfully nothing is broken - her teeny tiny little bones are just fine. But it hurts her. Even the x-ray tech could tell when she held her arm a couple ways she screamed even harder. But while at the hospital she had some pleasant, non screaming moments and started to use her arm a bit. She would hold my medical id card, but not her cup of "milk" (aka soy formula). Even with her crying, she was the hit of the hospital. One woman even told me "She's awesome" with all her talking - "Card please Mommy". "Thank you Mommy". "Milk Mommy." "Thank you Mommy." "All done card. Another card. Thank you Mommy." "It's raining Mommy." etc. etc.
I felt bad though that within all our rushing to get her arm immobilized and out of the house, I never thought to bring her comfort - Baby and Taggie. But Kayla, who was an amazing Big Sister to Alysa last night (bringing me the ice pack, comforting Alysa, etc) told J that Alysa was hungry and needed dinner. So J called me to offer to bring her a sandwich. He did and I told him to bring Baby and Taggie (she was asking for them over and over). Her little tear-stained face lit up when she saw them.
So although her arm is not broken and the doctor said her arm should be ok today - it's not. She's still in pain. She's babying it a lot and anytime she puts any weight on it or bumps it, she cries, holds it up to me and says "Arm. Kiss it." or "Fingers. Kiss it Mommy." She spend a lot of this morning crying. So I now have a call in to her Ped's office so they can tell me what they think.
So here's my question - Since Kayla has been in the ER 3 times in her short life (for reflux and her stomach viruses) and now Alysa has been there once for her arm - do you think they'll give a bulk discount on my $100 ER copay?

Oh I hope her arm is better!!! Why do we spend so much time at the ER? Mark has been there 3 times and Jason has been 4 times and we have the $100.00 copay too. Friday night was the first time they made me pay at the time of the visit though. Usually they bill me. I was surprised. It's not like I stopped at the ATM on the way, so it's a good thing they take debit cards.
I hope the ped gives you some answers. Maybe she just sprained it. Poor little luv! I hope she's better soon!!
So sorry to hear she had a fall like that! Glad to hear nothing is broken, but sorry she's still in pain! I wonder if she bruised a bone really bad - would that show up on an xray? Hope she is feeling better soon!
100 copay? Yikes!
Glad she didn't break anything. Sorry it still hurts her. That is cute, they just wanted to see mommy through the window. :)
We have $100 copay too, and I often wonder if we could get a make one trip the next trip half off discount!!
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