Friday, May 30, 2008
One day down
Alysa did amazingly well today - better than I expected. I spent the day with her running around naked. She only had 2 minor "accidents" and the first was early in the morning. I put her on the potty and she was great after that. Later in the day, she had an accident while she was playing with Kayla. I heard her saying she was on the potty. I went into the playroom all proud and excited and when she was done, she pointed out that she had also gone on the floor (and on a couple of toys). But...the key is really that she started to go, stopped and ran to the potty. And she was devastated that she went on the floor. I didn't get mad and praised her for knowing to stop and go to the potty. The rest of the evening went super well. She actually tried to get out of putting a diaper on for bedtime.
The best part of the day? Before nap time, I thought I smelled something. I saw nothing around Alysa, so I assumed she tooted. I took her upstairs and had to go back down to get something and walking through the family room, I smelled something again. I looked all over the room for a present on the floor but found nothing. I thought I was losing my mind until I looked in the little potty to find that she had pooped. Talk about shocked! I ran upstairs to do a "happy dance". I made a HUGE deal out of it and I also found out Kayla knew she had gone, but didn't tell me. The story of my life - always the last to know. :)
So...this has been an extremely successful first day and I will cross my fingers that it continues.
In continuing the Big Girl Theme. Here she is in her room with her brandy new reading light. OK - it's my reading light that I bequeathed to her. She's supposed to be getting one from my parents but she is constantly turning her light on at night and playing. Our rule is no playing at bedtime, but reading is allowed. Hard to do with no light. So I gave her mine and it made her night. I can hear her upstairs reading Llama Llama Mad at Mama at the top of her lungs.

Mom, Dad? Please hurry with the reading light. Now it's your daughter who can't read before bed.
The best part of the day? Before nap time, I thought I smelled something. I saw nothing around Alysa, so I assumed she tooted. I took her upstairs and had to go back down to get something and walking through the family room, I smelled something again. I looked all over the room for a present on the floor but found nothing. I thought I was losing my mind until I looked in the little potty to find that she had pooped. Talk about shocked! I ran upstairs to do a "happy dance". I made a HUGE deal out of it and I also found out Kayla knew she had gone, but didn't tell me. The story of my life - always the last to know. :)
So...this has been an extremely successful first day and I will cross my fingers that it continues.
In continuing the Big Girl Theme. Here she is in her room with her brandy new reading light. OK - it's my reading light that I bequeathed to her. She's supposed to be getting one from my parents but she is constantly turning her light on at night and playing. Our rule is no playing at bedtime, but reading is allowed. Hard to do with no light. So I gave her mine and it made her night. I can hear her upstairs reading Llama Llama Mad at Mama at the top of her lungs.

Mom, Dad? Please hurry with the reading light. Now it's your daughter who can't read before bed.

YAY! Alysa, Good job! Awww...she's getting to be such a big girl. I'm thinking of starting to potty train Lindsay this Summer. She'll be two and a half, in September, which is how old her sisters were when they learned.
That's wonderful she loves to read!! How cute it must be to hear her read outloud?!
Congrats on the potty training! (I took a picture of my son's first poo-poo in the potty.)
I tried to add you to my google reader, but am unable to to sign up for a feed, except through bloglines, which I don't use. Am I missing something on your blog? Thanks, Libby
Yay!! I have never done the "run around naked" thing, but maybe I should!! Cute pics of her reading...
Your little girl sure is growing up! Potty training and big girl beds?! Wow! So glad to hear it's been smooth so far!
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